白河だるまとは? What's the Shirakawa Daruma ?
商品紹介 Introduction
白河だるま総本舗 会社概要 Shirakawa Daruma Profile

白河だるま総本舗の商品紹介|Goods Introduction


白河だるま 赤丸

白河鶴亀松竹梅だるま Size:w40✕h45〜w900✕h930 210円〜60,900円

カッコ 小さいものから特大のものまで。結婚式やお誕生日、還暦のお祝いに、めでたいだるまは、雰囲気を一気に華やかにします。それぞれ紅白でご用意いたしております。正月に一番小さいものから毎年ひとつずつ大きいものへ買い替えて繁栄を願った習わしも。

Daruma dolls come in variety of colors and sizes- mixture of red and white, pure red, or pure white. The white and red Daruma dolls can be ordered from small (4.5cm) all the way up to large (93cm) in sizes for special events including- wedding and birthday celebration. With each and every one of its unique design, it can bring special ambiance to your room. The well-known Japanese tradition of buying the smallest Daruma doll beginning of the year and sizing up one by one every year is subject to bring better luck. With keeping such tradition and culture, you can bring home various different types of Daruma dolls along with better luck.




風水根付だるま(吸盤付き)Size:w15✕h15 262円

カッコ かわいいミニだるまを根付けにしました。風水のパワーも持った小さなお守りで、色別に意味があります。原料はコルクで軽く、揺れると小さな鈴がチリンと鳴ります。吸盤が付いているので。車のガラスなどにも付けられ、吸盤は簡単に外せるのでバックなどに提げられます。

Basically the definition of the word “Feng Shui” is a Chinese system for deciding the right position for a building and for placing objects inside a building such as in your home to make people feel comfortable and happy. And these cute small Feng Shui Daruma dolls also have Feng Shui Power to make your home more comfortable and happier. Each different color of Feng Shui Daruma dolls has different meaning into it and those are made from cork to make them durable. Also there is bell inside of dolls so when it moves, bell rings inside. There is a sucker back side of dolls mounted to stick with any glasses, plastic surface and anywhere it can stick on.




恵比寿様・大黒様 Size:w150✕h300〜w200✕h300 3,150円

カッコ 恵比寿様と大黒様のセットで神棚に飾れます。バラ売りも可能ですが恵比寿様は単体では飾らないのが風習です。本体は紙製、重りは粘土、だるまと同じ手法で作られています。とても福々しいお顔ですので、良運をもたらしてくれそうです。開店祝いや開業祝いなとの贈 り物にも最適です。

The Ebisu sama, the god of wealth and Daikoku sama dolls are made with a paper and clay at the bottom. According to the Japanese tradition, displaying both dolls together Ebisu sama and Daikoku sama on the shelf is the traditional way, however you can also display either of them alone. There is no worry, anything bad won’t be happened even if only one displayed. They are the god of wealth and happiness so it is sure that good luck will be coming in your way with those god dolls. Also they are perfectly as a gift for opening of a shop of someone’s or souvenir.


紅白だるま(豆〜特大)Size:w40✕h45〜w900✕h930 210円〜60,900円

カッコ 弊社では、全国の小売店さまに対しまして、卸売りいたしております。お取引を希望される小売店さまはお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。また、企業のオリジナル商品、ノベルティ、雑誌の付録などの商品開発・制作を行っています。カラーの変更や、名入れなどの簡単な変更から、型から作るオーダーメイドまで、想い通りのだるまの制作が可能です。

We wholesale the goods to retailers in the world. We can also take any original oder from a company and make Daruma dolls with any color, any size, any shape of dolls, sometimes even based on anime, as examples are from Dragon Balls, Pocket monsters and one piece. Like we mentioned, we can make Daruma dolls just same as you expect in your mind. And we are more than welcome to make them for you! Feel free to ask!!
